Our vision is to empower confidence and beauty in women, and our desire is to make that a reality for women all around the world. That is why we are committed to supporting organizations like A21 and Dressember.


Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world, generating more than $150 billion USD every year. More than 40 million people are trafficked today, and about 1 in 4 are children. Clothing manufacturing is one of the largest trafficked industries. We are aware of the fact that many textile companies outsource manufacturing, however, many of the countries that they outsource to have little labor laws or regulations. This lack of transparency is what allows for underground trafficking networks to thrive.


We however, believe that we can make a difference through transparent sourcing and by contributing to organizations that are working to end human trafficking.

How we contribute

At Renée Grace we are committed to supporting these organizations that are working to fight human trafficking. For each dress we sell, we commit to donate % of the profits to A21. This helps keep us accountable to keep contributing to the cause.

What you can do

Sometimes major world issues can leave us feeling helpless. That's why we recommend that you start by getting involved with these organizations that are already doing so much to help. Check out these two organizations: